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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

Evolution of Computers

First Generation (1940-1956)

    Image result for generation of computer png
  • Major Hardware Technology: Vacuum Tubes, Punch Cards
  • Used Machine language
  • High heat generation
  • Slow processing
  • Large in size
  • Not portable
  • Consumes a lot of electricity
  • Expensive
  • System Invented: ENIAC, UNIVAC, IBM704, EDVAC, EDSAC

Second Generation (1956-1963)

  • Major Hardware Technology: Transistors, Tape
  • Use of Assembly language
  • Smaller in siz
  • Less heat generation
  • Less power consumption

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Shutdown, Sleep, Hibernate


when you finish your work with pc or no need or infrequently usage then you can shutdown the pc.
You should save your current works before shutting down
if not, you will permanently loss your current work.


sleep is a power saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation when you want to start working again.
In sleep mode, your current work is saved in the RAM.
Related image
It will consume less power and often disable hardware and suspend software to assist in reducing power consumption.
It the power is cut while sleep mode, most probably  it will lost your works where you left.
In hybrid sleep mode,with RAM it always save the current work to the hard disk for safe keeping in the event of power cut.

Image result for sleep mode icon png


Hibernate mode is almost the same thing as fully shutting down the PC, but it saves your place  to resume the next time you turn it on.
Instead of saving to your RAM like sleep mode, it saves straight to your hard disk so that there's no chance of losing anything if power is cut.
It takes bit longer than the sleep mode but it depends on the hard disk and RAM speed.

Friday, August 10, 2018

HTML5- Content models

Meta data
Content that sets up the presentation or behavior of the rest of the content. These elements are found in the head of the document.
<base>, <link>, <meta>, <noscript>, <script>, <style>, <title>
Content that imports other resources into the document.
<audio>,  <video>, <canvas>, <iframe>, <img>, <math>, <object>, <svg>
Interactive Content specifically intended for user interaction.
<a>, <audio>, <video>, <button>, <details>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <label>, <object>, <select>, <textarea>
Defines a section header.
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <hgroup>
This model has a number of inline level elements in common with HTML4.
<img>, <span>, <strong>, <label>, <br />, <small>, <sub>, and more.
Contains the majority of HTML5 elements that would be included in the normal flow of the document.
Defines the scope of headings, content, navigation, and footers.
<article>, <aside>, <nav>, <section>

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Digital image editing, Digital image processing, Computer graphics

Digital image editing is the manipulation of digital images using existing software applications such as Adobe Photoshop or Coral paint.

Digital image processing is the conception, design, development and enhancement of digital imaging programs.

Computer graphics concentrates on the synthesis of digital images from geometrical descriptions such as three dimensional object models.

Monday, July 30, 2018

VirtualBox - Intro

VirtualBox is a software virtualization package that installs on an operating system as an application.

It allows additional operating system to be installed on it as a guest operating system and run in virtual environment.

VirtualBox may be installed on a number of host operating systems, including: Linux, macOS, Windows, Solaris, and OpenSolaris.

Remote Sensing

Remote means far away. Remote sensing means sensing things from a distance. We use three as remote sensors of our five senses. Sense of sight (watching cricket from the stands), Sense of smell (smell freshly baked food) and sense of hearing (hear a telephone call) are remote sensors.

Remote sensing is used in numerous fields. There are two types of remote sensing. Passive remote technology is used to record an object’s natural radiation. For example, an infrared camera on a tripod that records heat coming from a rock formation or an airplane flying over a rain forest that registers the sunlight reflected from the forest as canopy.

“” Science and art of identifying, observing and measuring an object without coming into direct contact “
                 -Ms. Evelyn Pruitt of the U.S office Naval Research 

Active remote technology takes place when a device sends out a signal in order to gather information about an object. For example, Ships that send sonar waves to scan the ocean floor uses active remote sensing.

Google Assistant - AI

AI is helping people everywhere solve problems big and small

Ready to help, Just say “Hey Google”.


  • Talk or type to the assistant
  • Manage Tasks- Send texts, set reminders, instantly lookup emails, set alarms, everyday weather forecast, play latest news
  • Get help on the head phone
  • Have funs –play game, tell jokes, poems, quotes, control music on Google play
  • Navigate the routs
  • Use the phone to control your smart home devices and adjust the temperature, lighting and more, even you are not at home

Smart watch and warbles

  • Track your run, return a call
  • Add things to the shopping list
  • Check the time in any city, ask to get translations and updates while you are on the go

Monday, July 9, 2018

Cloud Computing Intro

Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing data and  the programs over the internet.

Cloud computing models:

  • SaaS
  • PaaS
  • IaaS

SaaS (Software as a Service)

  • In this service the service provider provides software/ application to its clients. 
  • The clients can access these software in any device which is connected to the internet using network applications such as web browser.

Eg: Google Applications (gmail, googledrive and googledocs etc), dropbox

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

  • In this service the cloud provider gives the ability to the customer to deploy applications created by customer by programming languages, tools etc which are provided by cloud provider.
  • It typically includes operating system, database, programming language execution environment, web server etc.

Eg: Google app Engine, Apache Stratos

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

  • In this service cloud provider provide the customer with virtual machines and the resources as the service they abstract the user from a physical machine, location, data partition etc.
Eg: aws (Amazon Web Service)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

www - Tim Berners-Lee

  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee created a paradigm shift by inventing world wide web, the URL naming scheme, HTTP protocol, and the HTML markup language.
  • At that time, he was working at CERN the Europian Organization Nuclear Research center which is in Geneva.
  • He had his undergraduate degree in physics from The Queen's College, Oxford, but had no formal training as a computer scientist, although he had bulit his own computer and written software, and it was that combination of skills CERN needed.
  • There were perhaps 10,000 people working for CERN at the time, but only 3,000 actual campus; others were coming and going there and other institutions.
  • Berners-Lee thought it would be useful to have an online collabarative space where people could share ideas, and where people who came along later could follow the decision-making process by clicking through the links.
  • However, just bringing co-workers together did not seem like enough.
  • By 1989, the internet was beginning to become generally connected.
  • After that Tim Berners-Lee beleived the web should allow anybody anywhere to create information and link to it.
  • He expose his thought to his Boss Mike Sandall. His boss said him to do that as a side project.
  • Because he couldn't justify that it the project has a direct relation to CERN's goals. Instead, he decided it could be a good way of testing the potential of the NeXT machine which belongs to Apple. designed by Steve Jobs.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Version Names of Operating Systems


  • Windows 95
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Windows server 2003
  • Windows server 2008
  • Windows server 2012
  • Windows Phone 7
  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows CE (Satellite Navigation System and some Mobiles)

Apple mac OS

  • Mac OS X Public Beta
  • Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah
  • Mac OS X 10.1 Puma
  • Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar
  • Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
  • Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
  • Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.7 Lion 
  • Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
  • Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
  • Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • Mac OS X 10.11 EI Capitan
  • Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra
  • Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra
  • Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave
Apple iOS
  • iPhone OS 1
  • iOS 2
  • iOS 3
  • iOS 4
  • iOS 5
  • iOS 6
  • iOS 7
  • iOS 8
  • iOS 9
  • iOS 10
  • iOS 11
  • iOS 12
  • Android 1.6 Donut
  • Android 2.1 Eclair
  • Android 2.2 Froyo
  • Android 2.3 Gingerbread
  • Android 3.0 Honeycomb
  • Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
  • Android 4.4 KitKat
  • Android 5.0 Lollypop
  • Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Android 7.0 Nougat
  • Android 8.1 Oreo
  • Red Hat Linux
  • Cent OS
  • Fedora
  • Mandrake Linux
  • openSUSE

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Computer and internet crimes

Why computer incidents are so prevalent

In today's computing environment of increasing complexity, higher user expectations, expanding and changing systems, and changing systems, and growing reliance on software with known vulnerabilities, it is no wonder that the number, variety, and impact of security incidents are increasing dramatically. Computer security incidents occur around the world with personal computer users in developing countries being exposed to the greatest risk of their computers being infected by malware.

  • Increasing complexity increasing vulnerability
  • virtualization
  • higher computer user expectation
  • Expanding and changing systems introducing new risks

Types of Exploits

There are numerous types of attacks, with new varieties being invented all the time.


  Computer virus has become an umbrella term for many types of malicious code. Technically, a virus is a piece of programming code, usually disguised as something else, that causes a computer to behave an an unexpected and usually undesirable manner. Often a virus is attached to a file, so that when the infected file is opened, the virus executes.Other viruses sit in a computer's memory and infect files as the computer opens, modifies, or creates them. Most viruses deliver a "play load" or malicious software that causes the computer to perform in an unexpected way.For example, the virus may be programmed to display a certain message on the computer's display screen ,delete, delete or modify a certain document or reformat the hard drive.

A true virus does not spread  itself from computer to computer. A virus is spread to other machines when a computer user opens an infected email attachment, downloads an infected program, or visits infected program, or visits infected web sites.

Macro viruses have become a common and easily created form of virus.Attackers use an application macro language to create programs that infect documents and templates. After an infected document is opened, the virus is executed and infects the user's application templates. Macros can inset unwanted words , numbers, or phrases into document or alter command functions.


It is a harmful program that resides in the active memory of the computer and duplicates itself. Worms differ from virus in that they can propagate without human intervention, often  sending copies of themselves to other computers by email.
The negative impact of worms

  • Lost data and programs
  • Lost productivity due to workers being unable to use their computers
  • Additional lost productivity as workers attempt to recover  data and programs

Friday, February 23, 2018

File Extensions stands for...

jpeg - joint photographic experts group
png - portable network grapics
gif  - graphic interchange format
tiff - tagged image file format
svg - scalar vector graphics 
pdf - portable document format
html - hypertext markup language
php - hypertext preprocessor
sql - structured query language
wmv  - windows media video