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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Shutdown, Sleep, Hibernate


when you finish your work with pc or no need or infrequently usage then you can shutdown the pc.
You should save your current works before shutting down
if not, you will permanently loss your current work.


sleep is a power saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation when you want to start working again.
In sleep mode, your current work is saved in the RAM.
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It will consume less power and often disable hardware and suspend software to assist in reducing power consumption.
It the power is cut while sleep mode, most probably  it will lost your works where you left.
In hybrid sleep mode,with RAM it always save the current work to the hard disk for safe keeping in the event of power cut.

Image result for sleep mode icon png


Hibernate mode is almost the same thing as fully shutting down the PC, but it saves your place  to resume the next time you turn it on.
Instead of saving to your RAM like sleep mode, it saves straight to your hard disk so that there's no chance of losing anything if power is cut.
It takes bit longer than the sleep mode but it depends on the hard disk and RAM speed.


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