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Friday, August 17, 2018

Evolution of Computers

First Generation (1940-1956)

    Image result for generation of computer png
  • Major Hardware Technology: Vacuum Tubes, Punch Cards
  • Used Machine language
  • High heat generation
  • Slow processing
  • Large in size
  • Not portable
  • Consumes a lot of electricity
  • Expensive
  • System Invented: ENIAC, UNIVAC, IBM704, EDVAC, EDSAC

Second Generation (1956-1963)

  • Major Hardware Technology: Transistors, Tape
  • Use of Assembly language
  • Smaller in siz
  • Less heat generation
  • Less power consumption

  • Faster processing 
  • Expensive 
  • System Invented: UNIVAC LARC, Honey Well 400

Third Generation (1963-1975)

  • Major Hardware Technology: Integrated Circuit(IC), High capacity disk for secondary storage, Keyboard, Mouse
  • Birth of Operating System
  • Use of high level language
  • Smaller in size
  • Less heat generation
  • Faster processing
  • Low power consumption
  • Expensive
  • System Invented: IBM 360, PDP-8, PDP-11

Fourth Generation (1976-1989)

  • Major Hardware Technology: LSIC (Large Scale Integrated Circuit) and VLSIC (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit), Micro processor
  • Personal Computers
  • Faster computer networks
  • Operaing system with GUI
  • Very small size
  • Portable
  • Upgradable
  • System Invented: IBM PC, Apple II

Fifth Generation ( 1989- present)

  • Major Hardware Component: ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration), High capacity hard disk
  • Internet and Multimedia applications
  • Voice recognition
  • Character recognition
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Portable
  • Small in size
  • Easy Operation
  • high reliability
  • High efficiency
  • Less Expensive
  • System Invented: IBM notebook, SUN Workstations


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