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Monday, July 30, 2018

Google Assistant - AI

AI is helping people everywhere solve problems big and small

Ready to help, Just say “Hey Google”.


  • Talk or type to the assistant
  • Manage Tasks- Send texts, set reminders, instantly lookup emails, set alarms, everyday weather forecast, play latest news
  • Get help on the head phone
  • Have funs –play game, tell jokes, poems, quotes, control music on Google play
  • Navigate the routs
  • Use the phone to control your smart home devices and adjust the temperature, lighting and more, even you are not at home

Smart watch and warbles

  • Track your run, return a call
  • Add things to the shopping list
  • Check the time in any city, ask to get translations and updates while you are on the go


  • Get the help around the house with the smart speaker


  • Navigate the routs
  • Traffic details
  • Ask Google assistant to find things you need on the go such as restaurants, business, etc.


  • Quickly find and play favorite shows search by genre, actor or year
  • Control media with voice


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