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Friday, May 5, 2023

Early stopping

 Early stopping can be implemented as a manual or automatic process.

In manual early stopping, the training process is monitored, and the training is stopped when the validation accuracy reaches a satisfactory level or starts to decline.

In automatic early stopping, a stopping criterion is defined based on some metrics (e.g., validation loss, validation accuracy) and the training process is stopped automatically when the criterion is met. For example, we can set a tolerance value for the validation loss, and if the loss does not improve by more than the tolerance value for a certain number of epochs, the training is stopped.

Both manual and automatic early stopping can be effective in preventing overfitting and improving the generalization performance of the model.

there are libraries available for early stopping in various machine learning frameworks such as Tensorflow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn. In Tensorflow, for example, the EarlyStopping callback can be used to monitor a specified validation metric and stop training if the metric stops improving for a specified number of epochs. Similarly, in PyTorch, the EarlyStopping class can be used to monitor a validation metric and stop training when the metric has not improved for a specified number of epochs. In scikit-learn, the EarlyStopping module can be used for early stopping with various machine learning algorithms.


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