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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

NLP- Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is the technology used to aid computers to understand the human’s natural language.

Different level of analysis for natural language

Prosody: Deals with rhythm and intuition of the language
Phonology: Examined the sound that are combined to from language
Morphology: Concern with the components that make up words 
Syntax: Studies the rules for combining words into legal phrases and sentences
Semantics: Consider the meaning of words
Pragmatics: Study of the ways in which the language is used and its effects on the listener
World knowledge: Include the knowledge of the physical world, interaction and intention in communication

Specification and Parsing using Context-Free Grammar

Phrase structure plays an essential role in semantic interpretation by defining intermediate stages in a derivation at which semantic processing may take place.

Parsing algorithm has 2 types:
 Top-down Parser:
     It begins with a top-level Sentence symbol and expand the tree whose leaves match the target sentence.
 Bottom-up Parser:
     It begins with the word symbols (terminal) attempt to find a series of reductions that leads to the Sentence Symbol.

Sample grammar rules

Sentence <-> noun_phrase verb_phrase
noun_phrase <-> noun
noun_phrase <-> article noun
verb_phrase <-> verb
verb_phrase <-> verb noun_phrase
prep_phrase <-> preposition noun_phrase
noun_phrase <-> noun_phrase prep_phrase
verb_phrase <-> verb prep_phrase
article <-> a/ the
noun <-> cat/ Mango
verb <-> eat/ like
preposition <-> on


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