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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Internet and web

Introduction to internet and web

The Internet is a networks of network worldwide.

www (worldwide web)

The www is an architectural frame work for accessing linked spread out all over the internet.

Client-Server Computing Architecture

  • In the client-server architecture, the client is separated from the server.
  • The client is defined as the requester of the service.
  • The server is defined as the provider of the service.
  • The services can be sharing of information or resources.

The client

  • Initiate requests.
  • Waits for and receive replies.
  • Usually connects with number of servers at one time.
  • Typically interacts with end-users using GUI.

Example: web browser, email clients

The server

  • Passive(slave).
  • Waits for requests from clients.
  • Upon receipts of requests, process  them and serves replies.
  • Usually accepts connection from large number of clients.
  • Typically does not interact directly with the end-users.

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